Foundation in Canine Healthcare
This weekend workshop (and optional home study) takes a holistic view of canine health, with the
aim of showing dog lovers how they can raise healthy, long-lived pets, and avoid unnecessary illnesses.
Not currently available, however some video clips based upon The Foundation in Canine Healthcare course lectures have been added to the overview section.
The Foundation in Canine Healthcare programme has been designed to be accessible to all, whether you’re a vet, a behaviourist, a breeder, or an ordinary pet owner. If you wish, you can also complete a home study programme and obtain certification in canine healthcare.
The Foundation in Canine Healthcare workshop consists of:
Saturday lecture – 10am to 5pm – a comprehensive lecture covering two important foundations of canine health: diet and the vaccination issue.
Sunday lecture – 10am to 5pm – this lecture covers important factors which can determine the health of your dog, including genetics, environmental toxins, conventional drug therapy, stress, and complementary healthcare options. During this workshop, we will also show you how to work out the very best diets and treatments for individual dogs, and we’ll introduce several complementary therapies for you to use at home.
Click here for an overview of the lectures.
Home study
You can, if you wish, take part in the home study option. This covers all of the lecture units above, with two or three questions on each unit for you to complete at home. It’s designed for those who wish to become more knowledgeable about canine husbandry. The home study programme empowers you to have the facts at your disposal so you can remember them. On completion of your home study course, we will issue the Foundation in Canine Healthcare certificate.
Full Course (2 day lectures and home study): £145.00*
Lectures only: £115.00*
*Prices may differ if a course is being hosted by a third party.
Workshop Leader
The workshop is led by Catherine O’Driscoll, founder of Canine Health Concern.
Canine Health Concern (CHC) is a non-profit animal welfare organisation which spearheads research into the causes of health and ill health in our canine friends, and shares information to help dog lovers raise healthy dogs so that they rarely need to see the vet.
CHC has worked tirelessly to effect change, highlighting the science to prevent over-vaccination of companion animals.
Canine Health Concern has also been at the forefront of the natural rearing movement, promoting a diet for dogs that Nature herself has evolved over the millennia. The organisation has also promoted safe, natural, complementary therapies, educating pet owners and helping them to take conscious control of their dogs’ healthcare. It issues quarterly newsletters to members, has an information-packed web site, and an internet discussion group. New members are always welcomed.
Catherine is the author of best-selling books - “What Vets Don’t Tell You About Vaccines” and “Shock to the System”. Her film, “In Search of the Truth About Dogs” was awarded Best DVD by the Dog Writers’ Association of America. She also lectures on canine health in the UK, Europe, and North America. Catherine writes for Dogs Naturally magazine, Raw Instincts magazine, Dogs Today, and many other dog titles, and her work was featured in a prime-time TV documentary World in Action. More recently, Catherine collaborated with the World Small Animal Veterinary Association to produce their puppy vaccine guideline summary.
The workshop is led by Catherine O’Driscoll, founder of Canine Health Concern.
Canine Health Concern (CHC) is a non-profit animal welfare organisation which spearheads research into the causes of health and ill health in our canine friends, and shares information to help dog lovers raise healthy dogs so that they rarely need to see the vet.
CHC has worked tirelessly to effect change, highlighting the science to prevent over-vaccination of companion animals.
Canine Health Concern has also been at the forefront of the natural rearing movement, promoting a diet for dogs that Nature herself has evolved over the millennia. The organisation has also promoted safe, natural, complementary therapies, educating pet owners and helping them to take conscious control of their dogs’ healthcare. It issues quarterly newsletters to members, has an information-packed web site, and an internet discussion group. New members are always welcomed.
Catherine is the author of best-selling books - “What Vets Don’t Tell You About Vaccines” and “Shock to the System”. Her film, “In Search of the Truth About Dogs” was awarded Best DVD by the Dog Writers’ Association of America. She also lectures on canine health in the UK, Europe, and North America. Catherine writes for Dogs Naturally magazine, Raw Instincts magazine, Dogs Today, and many other dog titles, and her work was featured in a prime-time TV documentary World in Action. More recently, Catherine collaborated with the World Small Animal Veterinary Association to produce their puppy vaccine guideline summary.
Whereas the seminar tour is also designed to help raise much needed funds for Canine Health Concern (as a non-profit animal welfare organisation), talks/weekends hosted by others can also generate funds for the host.