Foundation in Canine Healthcare
The Foundation in Canine Healthcare courses are no longer available, so in addition to the overview below, where possible we have added video clips that were based on the Foundation Course lectures to provide you with some useful information.
Research conducted by Canine Health Concern during 1996 showed that natural food - including raw meaty bones - is better for dogs than processed pet food. A major benefit reported by dog owners taking part in this survey included a dramatic reduction in veterinary visits for dogs fed the natural diet for six months or longer. Specifically, there was a drop of 85% in veterinary visits after changing from artificial pet food to natural bones and vegetables.
The main visible health benefits reported by owners of the dogs who were changed to the new diet included: more energy and activity, improved teeth and gums, glossier coats, and skin, weight and behavioural improvements. Other benefits reported included lower susceptibility to fleas, improved appetite, an absence of stomach and digestive upsets, sweeter breath, cleaner ears, no more scratching, and veterinary medication no longer required. We will be comparing the various types of raw feeding from vets such as Ian Billinghurst and Tom Lonsdale, and from long-time canine health proponents such as Wendy Volhard. You will also learn to muscle test to ascertain the optimum diet for each individual dog.
Research conducted by Canine Health Concern during 1996 showed that natural food - including raw meaty bones - is better for dogs than processed pet food. A major benefit reported by dog owners taking part in this survey included a dramatic reduction in veterinary visits for dogs fed the natural diet for six months or longer. Specifically, there was a drop of 85% in veterinary visits after changing from artificial pet food to natural bones and vegetables.
The main visible health benefits reported by owners of the dogs who were changed to the new diet included: more energy and activity, improved teeth and gums, glossier coats, and skin, weight and behavioural improvements. Other benefits reported included lower susceptibility to fleas, improved appetite, an absence of stomach and digestive upsets, sweeter breath, cleaner ears, no more scratching, and veterinary medication no longer required. We will be comparing the various types of raw feeding from vets such as Ian Billinghurst and Tom Lonsdale, and from long-time canine health proponents such as Wendy Volhard. You will also learn to muscle test to ascertain the optimum diet for each individual dog.
Many veterinary bodies around the world (the World Small Animal Veterinary Association, the American Veterinary Medical Association, the Australian Veterinary Association, and others) have now publicly stated that annual vaccination is neither necessary nor safe. This advice may conflict with the views of your own vet.
In this unit we look at the scientific evidence regarding annual vaccination. If you’re not sure whether you should vaccinate your pet each year, then this unit is a must. We won’t tell you what to do, but we will give you the information so that you can make your own informed choice.
Vaccines (part one)
Vaccines (part two)
Many veterinary bodies around the world (the World Small Animal Veterinary Association, the American Veterinary Medical Association, the Australian Veterinary Association, and others) have now publicly stated that annual vaccination is neither necessary nor safe. This advice may conflict with the views of your own vet.
In this unit we look at the scientific evidence regarding annual vaccination. If you’re not sure whether you should vaccinate your pet each year, then this unit is a must. We won’t tell you what to do, but we will give you the information so that you can make your own informed choice.
Vaccines (part one)
Vaccines (part two)
The Foundation in Canine Healthcare programme examines how your dog’s genes can affect his health, and how husbandry can impact upon genetic inheritance. We also look at the ways in which we can reduce the effect of genetic faults.
The Foundation in Canine Healthcare programme examines how your dog’s genes can affect his health, and how husbandry can impact upon genetic inheritance. We also look at the ways in which we can reduce the effect of genetic faults.
Environmental toxins
Here we consider the effects of environmental toxins on our animals, and we discuss what we can do to reduce the risks.
Environmental Toxins
Here we consider the effects of environmental toxins on our animals, and we discuss what we can do to reduce the risks.
Environmental Toxins
Bacteria and Worms
The ‘hygiene theory’ postulates that mammals have evolved to tolerate worms and a balance of friendly bacteria in the gut. By eradicating these, we have pushed our bodies into inflammatory, allergic, and autoimmune diseases. How does this apply to our dogs?
The ‘hygiene theory’ postulates that mammals have evolved to tolerate worms and a balance of friendly bacteria in the gut. By eradicating these, we have pushed our bodies into inflammatory, allergic, and autoimmune diseases. How does this apply to our dogs?
Holistic healing means that you seek to heal the four bodies: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. In this Unit we look at the possibility that stress may affect our animals. We examine the research that charts the effects of stress, and we consider ways in which stress can be minimised for our animals and ourselves.
Holistic healing means that you seek to heal the four bodies: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. In this Unit we look at the possibility that stress may affect our animals. We examine the research that charts the effects of stress, and we consider ways in which stress can be minimised for our animals and ourselves.
Complementary healthcare
Many of the complementary or alternative healing therapies are known as ‘energy’ therapies. In this unit we look at some of the alternative therapies. Some come from fully qualified vets; others are available by referral; and others can be safely administered at home yourself. In particular, delegates will see Emotional Freedom Technique work its powerful magic.
Many of the complementary or alternative healing therapies are known as ‘energy’ therapies. In this unit we look at some of the alternative therapies. Some come from fully qualified vets; others are available by referral; and others can be safely administered at home yourself. In particular, delegates will see Emotional Freedom Technique work its powerful magic.
Home study
You can, if you wish, take part in the home study option. This covers all of the lecture units above, with two or three questions on each unit for you to complete at home. It’s designed for those who wish to become more knowledgeable about canine husbandry. The home study programme empowers you to have the facts at your disposal so you can remember them.
On completion of your home study course, we will issue the Foundation in Canine Healthcare certificate.
You can, if you wish, take part in the home study option. This covers all of the lecture units above, with two or three questions on each unit for you to complete at home. It’s designed for those who wish to become more knowledgeable about canine husbandry. The home study programme empowers you to have the facts at your disposal so you can remember them.
On completion of your home study course, we will issue the Foundation in Canine Healthcare certificate.
Workshop Leader
The workshop is led by Catherine O’Driscoll, founder of Canine Health Concern.
Canine Health Concern (CHC) is a non-profit animal welfare organisation which spearheads research into the causes of health and ill health in our canine friends, and shares information to help dog lovers raise healthy dogs so that they rarely need to see the vet.
CHC has worked tirelessly to effect change, highlighting the science to prevent over-vaccination of companion animals.
Canine Health Concern has also been at the forefront of the natural rearing movement, promoting a diet for dogs that Nature herself has evolved over the millennia. The organisation has also promoted safe, natural, complementary therapies, educating pet owners and helping them to take conscious control of their dogs’ healthcare. It issues quarterly newsletters to members, has an information-packed web site, and an internet discussion group. New members are always welcomed.
Catherine is author of the best-selling books, ‘What Vets Don’t Tell You About Vaccines’ and ‘Shock to the System’, and an award-winning DVD, ‘In Search of the Truth About Dogs’. She writes for many dog magazines around the world, including Dogs Today and Dogs Naturally magazine, and her work was featured in the prime-time TV documentary World in Action. More recently, Catherine collaborated with the World Small Animal Veterinary Association to produce their puppy vaccine guideline summary.
The workshop is led by Catherine O’Driscoll, founder of Canine Health Concern.
Canine Health Concern (CHC) is a non-profit animal welfare organisation which spearheads research into the causes of health and ill health in our canine friends, and shares information to help dog lovers raise healthy dogs so that they rarely need to see the vet.
CHC has worked tirelessly to effect change, highlighting the science to prevent over-vaccination of companion animals.
Canine Health Concern has also been at the forefront of the natural rearing movement, promoting a diet for dogs that Nature herself has evolved over the millennia. The organisation has also promoted safe, natural, complementary therapies, educating pet owners and helping them to take conscious control of their dogs’ healthcare. It issues quarterly newsletters to members, has an information-packed web site, and an internet discussion group. New members are always welcomed.
Catherine is author of the best-selling books, ‘What Vets Don’t Tell You About Vaccines’ and ‘Shock to the System’, and an award-winning DVD, ‘In Search of the Truth About Dogs’. She writes for many dog magazines around the world, including Dogs Today and Dogs Naturally magazine, and her work was featured in the prime-time TV documentary World in Action. More recently, Catherine collaborated with the World Small Animal Veterinary Association to produce their puppy vaccine guideline summary.