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Canine Health Concern is a non-profit (not a registered charity) international animal welfare organisation and we do not receive any external funding and do not have any ties to commerce or industry, which enables us to remain truly independant.
Therefore we rely upon subscriptions and any individual fundraising in order to keep the work going. Whereas we do not wish to join the 'bandwagon' of appealing for funds in the way that others do, we do truly appreciate any donations that are made to help further our aims.
Did you know that….. veterinary colleges rely upon pharmaceutical and pet food giants for funding, which means that big business influences what your vet believes to be true. Civil servants influence the licensing requirements of veterinary drugs and consider pharmaceutical giants to be their ‘customers’. Your elected representatives are often influenced by big business, which donate money to party funds and pay MPs as consultants.
However, we also want to remove the ‘them’ and ‘us’, to promote an awareness that improves animal health. We need vets for diagnosis and the correct treatment of our animals. For the sake of the animals we need informed consent to be able to give our animals what they need.